Precursors CG Short
This particular cinematic was our first attempt at making a full cinematic production. It started as a university graduation project, so we had to stick with a tough deadline and certain requirements to fit into diploma\graduation project, like a minimum duration of 5 minutes, and others.
It’s main goal was to try out our skills at CG cinematic production. We were inspired by the work of such a great studios as Blur and Digic Pictures, as well as a lot of sci-fi and space-related movies and games. And though we are not fully satisfied with what we’ve got, we processed and discussed our mistakes, so this movie is great experience for us.
It is based on a fake-universe, so don’t search for a full game or a movie =) And some making of shots, some never made it into the movie, unfortunately. Here are some procedural planet shaders I made and rendered.
Some simple test engines: