Auto Foot Contact
Had to clean up some mocap and got a little annoyed at the lack of tools in Maya for efficient foot contact clean up. There's HumanIK, but there is a lot of friction in it's workflows, especially when it comes to working with custom rigs.
So here's my take on it. It uses a custom node written in Python for the foot itself, which handles 4-corner contact system, ground friction (which uses a curve and can be used to glue feet to the ground when in contact to reduce sliding) and smoothing. In addition to that it uses a simple node setup and an aim constraint for the toe to automatically detect it's collision with the ground as well. In combination it results in a rather smooth looking foot-floor interaction which can be a good basis for motion capture cleanup or can be a part of an animation rig, as it works in real time.
But videos are better than words, so here it is in action.
I hope to bring it into future releases of BroTools as well.
Sticky effect