BroDynamics 2.2.1 is out now!
I've been working a lot with a few studios lately, bringing new features to BroDynamics to improve workflow. One of such things was improvements into the Batch simulation windows and how it operates with namespaces, to make it more flexible when you reference different character rigs under different namespaces and want to keep BroDynamics' batch data for them.
And another one, that's been long awaited, is improvements into enterprise installations, where you install BroDynamics and BroTools in a shared folder that's used by multiple users on the network. While it was 'kind of' supported before, it was buggy and settings and log files were shared. Now it's all split up and improved! :)
Since 2.1.1 there are just a few but important changes:
- Changed the way user can define config and write directory for BroTools - you can now use BROTOOLS_CONFIG_PATH environment variable for that. This improvement is aimed at enterprise\studio use with shared installation directory without write permissions for users. And you may just find it more convenient to set your own directory for BT configs. To change environment variables on windows you can just open Start menu and start typing "Evironment.." and it should pop up.
- Chain;In some cases it was not possible to add certain objects to Colliders and Forces window, now fixed. BroDynamics will now simply skip any shapes that cannot be turned into nucleus colliders, throwing warnings in log. This should fix issue where some objects would not work as colliders. For example objects with bullet RBD setup on them.